2 cups Avocadoil
4-5 star anise
1 cinnamon stick
2 bay leaf
3 tbsp Sichuan Peppercorns
3/4 th cup Sichuan Chilli Flakes
Place the Avocadoil along with the aromatics ie star anise, cinnamon, bay leaf and whole Sichuan in a saucepan over low heat
Heat the oil on lowest flame till it reaches 110 degree Celsius and you can see small bubbles slowly rise from aromatics
Turn off the flame
While the oil is infusing, place the chilli flakes in a heat proof bowl
Slowly seive the oil & pour the hot oil over it
The chilli flakes will sizzle once you pour the oil
Mix it with a spoon to distribute the heat evenly
Add 1 tsp salt and stir
Allow the chili oil to cool before storing in airtight containers in the refrigerator. Always use a clean utensil when handling to prevent spoilage.
It can last for up to 6 months
Serve it with pasta, eggs, on pizza or rice paper rolls
To make the rice paper rolls
Dip the sheets in water till they soften up
Place on a board, and add your favourite vegetables like avocado slices,carrots, raddish,cabbage,cucumber, bell peppers
Stack & place them in one line over the edge leaving a little gap on top to fold
Fold it into a roll
Place them on a plate and pour the chilli oil we prepared